Are you stuck?

Been doing personal development work for a while but can't connect and apply everything you have learned? Quantum Alignment coaching helps remove the blocks and helps to connect the dots.


Do You Crave to be a Healthier You?

As a Human Design Specialist, Quantum Alignment Practitioner and Nutritionist, I can offer you a guidebook which details your unique path to a healthier life.


In this Blog I share my stories interwoven with human design, nutrition and other knowledge I have gleaned on my way here.

What is the microbiome

What is the microbiome

Our inside worldThe microbiome refers to the vast and diverse community of microorganisms that live on and inside the human body, as well as in other environments like soil, water, and air. In the context of human health, the term "microbiome" most commonly refers to...

What is a healthy microbiome

What is a healthy microbiome

A healthy microbiome refers to the balanced and diverse community of microorganisms living in and on our bodies, primarily in the gastrointestinal tract. This community includes various bacteria, viruses, fungi, and other microbes that play a crucial role in...

What is a good gut diet

What is a good gut diet

A good gut diet is often referred to as a "gut-healthy" or "gut-friendly" diet. It focuses on promoting a balanced and diverse gut microbiome, which plays a crucial role in overall digestive health and overall well-being. Here are some key principles of a gut-healthy...


Dr Michelle Fitzmaurice CV Resume June 2023

How my fears have been holding me back in my business

How my fears have been holding me back in my business

The Fear of failing in business, human design and the business start-up. For a long time I didn't do things in my business. The money wasn't coming in. People weren't coming to me in the way I needed to pay the bills and feed by kids. I had convinced myself I was the...

Do you have your Human Design Chart yet?

Interpreting your Nutrition by Design Chart provides you with a way of understanding what you do and why you do it.

Obtaining your chart is easy. Click here and complete the form and it will be sent to you.