Michelle Fitzmaurice Healthy Optimal Australian Microbiome Study

Healthy Optimal Australian Microbiome (HOAM) Study

This project is aims to define what the healthy Australian Microbiome is.

The study is based at the UNSW Microbiome Research Centre where Michelle is managing the project.


The project is recruiting for a number of groups including 

  1. Healthy active individuals
  2. Inactive individuals
  3. Elite and professional athletes (all stages of pathways)
  4. Adolescents
  5. Seniors aged 65 – 95
  6. Very senior aged 95 +
  7. Individuals living with dementia

 You can join the study here 

Project Team: Professor Emad El-Omar (Gastroenterologist), Professor Peter Gonski (Geriatrician), Dr Xiao-tao Xiang (Bioinformation), Dr Fatima El-Assaad, Dr Michelle Fitzmaurice (Project Manager), Dr Miriam Jackson, Ms Chloe Hicks, Ms Niki Tashvighi Tehrani, Ms Michaela Wagner.

Project start date : Jan 2019 

Anticipated Data Collection completion: December 2026